$3000 Cash Reward!

$3000 Cash Reward!

If you have confirmed proof of the 111Guy’s location , you can receive $3000

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19 responses to “$3000 Cash Reward!”

  1. Mr 357 Avatar
    Mr 357

    did sweeney die? who died? hopefully skybanger

  2. Needlebender 699 Avatar
    Needlebender 699

    That may be true.Those druggie dolts Chris and Matt are just 2 POS’s ! There was even that douche Jeff, Audioshockwave on the Worldwide DX Radio Forum that was insisting it was Tim Hoffman doing it here in Phoenix and we all here know Tim isn’t doing it.

  3. 8255 in Arizona Avatar
    8255 in Arizona

    699, They think that maybe because we used to have Matt, Chris and Rob (AKA Sky-banger) in the Phx area. Those guys were horrible radio neighbors. Someone told me that those guys are only running flea power on 27.3650 and that one of them might have passed away.

  4. Needlebender 699 Avatar
    Needlebender 699

    The 11111111111111111 guy that locks it in on 38 is NOT located in or around Phoenix. I live in Phoenix and we can’t even hear the 1111111111111 station here when he has it locked in. 119 messes around some but he isn’t the 11111111111111 guy, that guy is most likely in Texas like many others have said. I wonder why so many think the 1111111111 guy is in Phoenix when so many operators in Phoenix have said that it’s not.

  5. Mr 357 Avatar
    Mr 357

    Timmy is the other idiot that does 1111 crap.
    666 and Sherriff Bob back in 2001
    now 666 calls himself 119 and him and the 11111 pedophile seem to be good buddies.

    Timmy got a visit before, maybe to 1111 pedophile will get one too

  6. Needlebender 699 Avatar
    Needlebender 699

    What has this to do with the 11111111111111111111 guys ?

  7. 357 Chris the Chilliwack pedo. Avatar
    357 Chris the Chilliwack pedo.


    1. Mr 357 Avatar
      Mr 357

      Timothy Harold Hoffinan ) NAI7AccL 615HF0001
      Phoenix, Arizona )
      Adopted: December 20,1996 Released: December 24, 1996
      By the Chief, Compliance Division, Compliance and Information Bureau:
      1. This is a Notice of Monetary Forfeiture issued pursuant to Section 503(b) of the
      Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the Act), 47 U.S.C. § 503(b), to Timothy Harold
      Hoffinan for the willful violation of Sections 301, 303(n), and 333 of me Act, 47 U. S. C. §§
      301, 303 (n), 333, and Sections 15.29, 95.413(aX4X 95.413(aX6) and 95.426(a) of the
      Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 15.29, 95.413 (aX4), 95.413(aX6), 95.426(a). The
      violation resulted from Timothy Harold Hoffinaris operation of a radio transmitter on
      amateur radio service frequencies without a valid license, failure to allow inspection of the
      radio station by authorized FCC personnel, willful and malicious interference to radio
      communications of licensed stations, and operation on CB channel 36,27.365 MHz, to
      transmit one-way communications and material to amuse or entertain.
      2. The amount of forfeiture for this violation is $6,000.
      3. On May 14,1995, agents from the Douglas Field Office of the FCCs Compliance
      and Information Bureau (CIB), using mobile direction finding techniques, detected radio
      signals on citizens band channel 36, 27.365 MHz J3E (lower sideband), coming from an
      antenna located at 911 West Highland Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. The transmissions consisted
      of retransmitted signals from an amateur radio service repeater on 147.24 Mhz. These were
      signals received by Mr. Hoffinan, who then used radio transmitting equipment to re-broadcast
      the material received. The Commission’s agents observed me following violations from
      8:05PM to 8:50PM MST, and from 8:55PM to 9:15PM MST: transmissions of one-way
      communications, which are prohibited by 47 C.F.R. §95.413(aX4), and transmission of
      material to amuse or entertain which is prohibited by 47 C.F.R. §95.413(aX6).
      Federal Communications Commission
      4. On May 15, 1995, agents from the Douglas Field Office, using mobile direction
      techniques, detected radio signals being transmitted on 146.34 MHz, coming from an antenna
      located at 911 West Highland Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. The operator making the
      transmission used the amateur radio service call sign N7ZZT. The agents checked FCC
      records and found that this amateur radio service call sign was not issued to Mr. Hofiman,
      and no amateur license has ever been granted to Mr. Hofiman. Transmissions were observed
      at 7:44 PM and 8:21 PM MST. At 8:21 PM MST, after positive direction finding results
      indicating the transmissions were being emitted from Mr. Hoffinaris residence, the FCC
      agents attempted to inspect the radio station at 911 West Highland Avenue. An adult male
      that came to the door admitted to being Timothy Hofiman and did not allow the agents to
      inspect the radio installatioa Mr. Hofiman would not confirm or deny the radio operation
      when asked by the FCC inspectors. Further transmissions from the residence ceased
      immediately after the attempted inspection.
      5. On June 26, 1995, the Douglas Field Office issued an Official Notice of Violation
      (NOV) to Mr. Hofiman. The NOV outlined the violations of the Act and Commission’s rules
      set forth in paragraph 1, above. Mr Hofiman responded to the NOV by letter dated July 5,
      1995, in which he admitted that he was responsible for the violations. On September 3, 19%,
      Mr. Hofiman was issued a Further Notice of Apparent Liability that proposed a forfeiture in
      the amount of $6,000. By letter dated October 1, 1996, Mr. Hofiman requested a reduction
      or elimination of the forfeiture.
      6. In his response letter, Mr. Hofiman states mat, due to child support payments, tax
      liens, and a garnishment of wages, he cannot afford to pay the forfeiture. We have carefully
      evaluated the information submitted by Mr. Hofiman. We have determined that the
      garnishment information is the only objective evidence submitted by Mr. Hofiman that
      reflects that he is making current payments to meet financial obligations. After weighing this
      garnishment against Mr. Hofiman’s documented income, we have concluded that he has failed
      to adequately document his claim of inability to pay.
      7. In view of the foregoing, we affirm the $6,000 forfeiture amount previously assessed
      8. Mr. Hofiman has violated Sections 301, 303(n) and 333 of the Communications Act,
      47 U.S.C. §§ 301, 303 (n), 333, and Sections 15.29, 95.413(aX4), 95.413(aX6), and 95.426(a)
      of the FCC Rules and Regulations.
      9. Accordingly, FT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 503(b) of the Communications
      Act, 47 U.S.C. § 503(b), and Section 1.80 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.80, that
      Timothy Harold Hofiman IS LIABLE FOR MONETARY FORFEITURE in the amount of
      $6,000 for willful and repeated violations of the above rules. The amount specified was
      Federal Communications Commission
      determined after consideration of the factors set forth in Section 503(b) of the
      Communications Act
      10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 1.80(f)(3) and (h) of the
      Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.80(f)(3) and (h), that Timothy Harold Hofi&nan must pay
      the full amount of the monetary forfeiture amount of $6,000 within thirty (30) days of the
      date of release of this order. Forfeitures shall be paid by check, money order or credit card
      drawn on a United States financial institution payable to the Federal Communications
      Commissioa1 Please place the NAL/Acct numbers on the remittance and mail it to:
      Federal Communications Commission
      P. O. Box 73482
      Chicago, IL 60673-7482
      11. Any application for review or petition for reconsideration of this decision may be
      filed within 30 days from the release date of this Order in accordance with Sections 1.115 and
      1.106 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§1.115, 1.106, and mailed to:
      Federal Communications Commission
      Legal Services Group, Compliance Division, CIB
      Attention: Mail Stop Code 1500-E/PD
      1919 M Street, N.W.
      Washington, DC 20554
      Chief, Compliance Division
      Compliance and Information Bureau
      1 Requests for installment plans should be mailed to: Chief; Billings and Collections, Mail Stop A, 1919 M Street, N.W., Washington,
      D.C. 20554. Payment of the forfeiture in installments may be considered as a separate matter in accordance with Section 1.1914 of the
      Commission’s Rules. Payments may also be made by credit card, Contact Chief; Billings and Collections for additional information.

  8. Mr 357 Avatar
    Mr 357

    8255 is another fucking faggot.
    Him and Timmy Hoffman suck each other off after a romantic dinner at the synagogue of satan

  9. Number 3 Santa Claus repeater. Avatar
    Number 3 Santa Claus repeater.

    Love when he plays the flute ! LOL

  10. 8255 Arizona Avatar
    8255 Arizona

    When there’s no attainable legal remedy for a dispute, the only lasting way to solve problems like this is to find a way to change the person’s mind in such a way that he will actually WANT TO stop his undesirable behavior.
    Because there isn’t a legal remedy, the only want to create in him a desire to stop bothering everyone is to change his thinking such that he becomes our genuine friend. If we can make him feel that the last thing he would want to do would be to upset or displeasure the US radio users, rather than wanting to torment us, he would instead want to fit in and be friendly toward us. I understand that there’s an awful lot of very angry people out there who have spent a lot of money on their stations but anger can’t solve something like this. Anger usually can only make the situation worse.

    Modifying his feelings and behavior won’t be easy at all and will in fact be difficult and require a lot of careful thought.

    Learning where and who the guy is is only part of the job. Then we need to turn around his thinking and make he our friend. Believe me, that’s the only tool we’re allowed to legally use and it really works. If we find him and do something like have radio buddies visit him often to see how he’s doing. Try to be genuine friends with him. If he’s got personal health or financial problems, figure out ways that we can lend him a hand. I’ll bet you that he’ll never want to make any of us unhappy again. If we can make him happy, he’ll want to do the same.

    I’m 68 and I’ve used this approach with difficult people throughout my life so, I know it really works. And it lasts a lifetime too.

    Go ahead and say that you think my idea isn’t “Macho” or “Manly” but something that gets results is smart and positive. That’s why I mentioned having lunch with the guy. Not just me or one other person but why not a whole bunch of us? Whenever we get a chance to drive through his town, if it’s Amarillo, TX or wherever. Change your enemy into your friend and your enemy will disappear for good. It works.


  11. Needlebender 699 Phoenix Az. Avatar
    Needlebender 699 Phoenix Az.

    333, you and others won’t do shit radio Rambo’s ! No citizen can stop him if he doesn’t want to. Hopefully he WILL be confronted by some stupid dolts and they’ll get their heads blown off doing something stupid !

    1.  Avatar

      Imagine being triggered by people that wish to dispense justice themselves. You do realize you have the position of an effeminate queer statist right ? Just because youre not a man or can relate to them, doesnt mean they dont exist, especially ones that have the nuance to deal justice without risking their heads blown off. You are hilariously 2d.

      1. Pirate Radio 455 Avatar
        Pirate Radio 455

        Keep sniveling and crying you little girl !

    2. Mr 357 Avatar
      Mr 357

      well this is what he deserves:

  12. 8255 in Arizona Avatar
    8255 in Arizona

    I applaud the 111 guy group for creating this page and the effort to find him but, I still don’t know what anyone can ever legally do to stop him. I’ve given it a lot of thought myself: If I found the guy and invited him to lunch at Denny’s, what would I say to him? If I have him sitting across the table after he’s done pigging down 12 eggs and 4 large milk shakes, what could I possibly say to get him to stop?

    1. 333 Radio Avatar
      333 Radio

      There is enough of us , we will stop him if we can find his location!
      No friendly lunch, just a good old ***** *** * **** !

  13. Needle Bender 420 Avatar
    Needle Bender 420

    We are a serious group of operators!
    We are looking for confirmed proof of the 111Guy’s location/Address . If you can provide this information, we will send you $3000 !

    1. Jo Mamma Avatar
      Jo Mamma

      When and if you ever do find him…… Then what are you pussys gonna do? Exactly, fuck all!

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