Does he really know where the 111Guy lives???

Does he really know where the 111Guy lives???


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14 responses to “Does he really know where the 111Guy lives???”

  1.  Avatar

    This is 8255. I’m located just a little south-east of the city of Phx, AZ. What others are saying here is correct. Normally myself and several others near me can’t hear the 111 guy. Not even a tiny bit, at times when we hear most other stations to the north and east complaining about it.

    Today however, at this very minute I am hearing the 111 guy. It’s significant to note that on this relatively rare occasion, I’m also hearing and able to talk with multiple stations in Missouri, Texas and Arkansas. That’s “Short Skip” all of about 900 to 1100 miles distant.

    As I’ve already told you guys on the air, when I do hear it, the 111 guy peaks at approximately 55 degrees out of the Phx area using my 4 element horizontal Yagi. Is that real confusing or something? Because all we need to do is to ask someone who’s located in Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, or Florida who has a good Yagi with a good rotator to get a bearing on the 111 guy. We can triangulate and get a very good idea of the origin of the signal.

    Additionally, as I’ve mentioned many times: About 1 year ago I was talking to a truck driver while the 111 guy was going. The driver told me that he occasionally drives right through Amarillo, TX. He said that without a doubt, the 111 guy is in Amarillo. Look on a map or northern TX. There’s Lubbock, TX (about 100 miles) to the south and Oklahoma City (about 250 mi.) to the east of Amarillo. Only lots of small ranching towns are near Amarillo. BTW, if you drive through that area, be sure to get yourself some Pecan Pie. They make the best in the country there because they grow some of the biggest, tastiest Pecans you’ve ever seen there. No kidding. Just that and the Texas BBQ are good enough reasons to take a road trip there.

    Ohhhhh Yeahhhhhhhhhhh

  2. KE8TIQ Avatar

    Mr. 357 you’re correct it’s not coming from Phoenix or in Arizona at all ! These morons aren’t smart enough to use the tools available to even figure what state the 1111111111111 station is in let alone actually find him.

  3. Mr 357 Avatar
    Mr 357

    its not timmy hoffman you dumb fucks.

  4. Needlebender 699 Avatar
    Needlebender 699

    LOL, if it’s coming from Phoenix then why do the Phoenix operators say they can’t hear it in Phoenix ? It’s coming from North Texas area, several people have it pretty narrowed down. That address is that unit 119 Tim and he messes around but he’s definitely not the 1111111111111 station as I know him personally and he’s not doing it. I’ve actually been talking to Tim Unit 119 on 27.400 when the 11111111111111111 guy had it locked in on 38LSB. You guys should really watch who you’re blaming for this 111111111 guy and giving out peoples addresses who aren’t even doing anything.

  5. teflon Avatar

    Heres your man.
    Please contact me here for the reward.

    Timothy Hoffman.
    1251 east morow drive in pheonix.

    1. Dirty Dan Avatar
      Dirty Dan

      Y’all be dumb, ain’t nobody locking down .385 with an A99 LMAO

    2. W7YRC Avatar

      Hoffman moved recently,because of all the threats he got in the mail,he doesn’t live there anymore .Theresa his Yl was not happy so they moved to avoid any conflicts.Hoffman uses a mobile so the FCC cant catch him -information from Chris Sweeney AE5QJ another lid from last cycle 24.

      *also footnote the FCC has received numerous complaints about pirate radio 455 in Prescott Arizona for transmitting out of band with excessive power have been submitted to the Southwest FCC field office and are currently pending.

      1. Needlebender 699 Avatar
        Needlebender 699

        I hear Tim Hoffman on his base in the evenings and weekends all the time, last night in fact, he really has nothing to hide, he’s NOT the 1111111111111 station ! People with more than 1/2 a brain know it’s not coming from Phoenix nor Tim I know for fact I live here !

  6. Pirate Radio 455 Avatar
    Pirate Radio 455

    Thread must have been deleted, can’t find it.

    1. Needle Bender 420 Avatar
      Needle Bender 420

      It’s there!

  7.  Avatar

    When I click on that it says content not available, unless I’m blocked for some reason.What page was that posted on ? CB radio lounge, CB Radio, CB Radio show and tell ?

  8. Pirate Radio 455 Avatar
    Pirate Radio 455

    What Facebook page was that post by Rawlin Harrington made on ? I’d like to check that thread out.

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