BREAKING NEWS: The 111 guy supports Trump

BREAKING NEWS: The 111 guy supports Trump


10 responses to “BREAKING NEWS: The 111 guy supports Trump”

  1. Wiener Bender #9 Avatar
    Wiener Bender #9

    Oh yeah! Wiener bender 159 is in the wiener house!

  2. KE8TIQ Avatar

    O’l Hoffman said Shawn ate the corn out of his chit ! LMAO

  3. KE8TIQ Avatar

    Ooooh, the Betsie Creek Rambo ! LMAO

  4. KE8TIQ Avatar

    What happened to Shawn Rawlin ? Did Tim Hoffman take her from you ? I heard he’s plowed her good ! LOL

    1. you will die Avatar
      you will die

      ok Mark!!! still married to her. I will fucking Beat your fat fucking ass

  5. JackShit Avatar

    1409 says Mr. 111 blew up his amplifier… it’s been quiet today!

    1. Rawlin Avatar

      1409 can go suck a dick, he is just as bad as 111

      1. the real Rawlin Avatar
        the real Rawlin

        like a coward using my name… come out of the dark fucker. little bitch!!! welfare trash

  6. Mr 357 Avatar
    Mr 357

    shit I must be over the target

  7. Pirate Radio 455 Avatar
    Pirate Radio 455

    That’s funny and he’s correct about that Chris 357 azzhole from Chilliwack BC. Chris 357 IS a registered sex offended up there and people have posted his criminal record and it’s pretty funny to hear him cry and cry on the internet and radio about the 1111111111111 guy ! The 111111111111 guy beats Chris down and schools him all the time on the air LOL !

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