We have several reports the 111Guy is in Amarillo, TX
Is the 111Guy in Amarillo, TX ?
5 responses to “Is the 111Guy in Amarillo, TX ?”
the 111 guy is in Chihahua Mexico ,he name is Carlos ! this information is 100% correct . He is near El Paso Texas that’s why everyone thinks its Texas. He gets stronger when all the states fade out. give a look around Mexico .also heard him say he uses a iPad to jam all day long.FCC cant do nothing because he is in Mexico.you can compare his voice to 10 OT152 on YouTube ….its a perfect match. period !
Post the link from YouTube.
F U Canada https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuFLx6BH6Go
He’s added a new part to the 111111111111111 loop.Now it goes 111111111111 for awhile then F-you Canadians a few times then back to the 11111111111111. LMAO the dude is too crazy !
Most all know that he is for sure located in Texas now to just find where in Texas.
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